Cecile Defforey - 1994 - 1993
An exhibition inspired by the short story “The Man Who Planted Trees”
published in 1953 by french author jean giono
This exhibition of art pieces is inspired by the beauty and power of nature. The artists in this exhibition used a variety of mediums to express their love of nature. They painted, sculpted, photographed, and created installations that celebrate the beauty of the natural world. They offer us a chance to slow down, to appreciate the beauty of the natural world, and to find inspiration in the simple things. This exhibition of art is a call to action. It is a reminder of the importance of reconnecting with nature, that we are all connected to it, and that we must do everything we can to protect it.
Cecile Defforey - 1994 - 1993
Patrick Van Caeckenbergh - 2007-2014
Laure Prouvost - 2017
Laure Prouvost - 2018
Laure Prouvost - 2021
Laure Prouvost - 2021
maria thereza alves - 2013
Sam Durant - 2022
Richard Nonas - 1985
Richard Nonas - 1985
yun-fei ji - 2015
Yun-Fei Ji - 2015
Marin Majic - 2022
Rosana Paulino - 2021
Sofia Bourges - 2018
Rosana Paulino - 2004
Rosana Paulino - 2004
Fernando Marques Penteado - 2013
Tony Matelli - 2009
Anna Bella Geiger - 1976-1977
Kenan Namunjdja
Deborah Wurrkidj
Danh Vo - 2021
Fernando Marques Penteado - 2013
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