Ethical Charter

For the club, discover our ethical charter

Values and principles of the club


The “TheMerode” club (here in after, the “Club”) is a social club with several objectives, all of which are based on the intention of stimulating the intellectual and creative curiosity of its members from all social, economic and cultural backgrounds.

The Club is committed to several values and principles that guide its actions and which are set forth in this Code of Ethics.

Each member of the Club undertakes to respect these fundamental principles, otherwise his or her application will be refused or his or her membership revoked.

I. Respect & tolerance

Each member shall treat others with respect and when interacting with other members or Club employees.

This includes interacting with others with consideration for their opinions, culture, values, social position, gender and age.

II. Prohibition of discrimination

Discrimination based on religious, ethnic, cultural, sexual orientation, disability, gender, social origin, language, political beliefs, age or membership of a particular group is strictly and formally prohibited within the Club.

III. Open-mindedness and humanism

The Club puts human development and respect for human dignity at the very core of its activities. In this respect, each member of the Club shall demonstrate open-mindedness, i.e. tolerance, curiosity and understanding for ideas that differ in whole or in part from his or her own.

IV. Environmental commitment

The central concern of human environmental responsibility is an essential and fundamental subject for the Club.

The Club therefore asks its members, on the one hand, to scrupulously respect the measures put in place to improve and perfect its ecological footprint and, on the other hand, to remain attentive and open to questions concerning the protection and safeguarding of the environment.

For the Club

Bruno Pani, Jean-Philippe Maes, Bernard Stas, Founders