Adriano Costa - 2016
An exhibition getting no one to nowhere
An unconventional exhibition that offers a transformative experience where art serves as nourishment for the soul, unlocking doors to nowhere – to Nulle-Part.
Inspired by Thomas More's "Utopia," this exhibition features thought-provoking artworks that naturally spark questions, whether through their essence, creators, or themes.
Richard Aldrich - 2015
Ida Barbarigo - 1963
Sébastien Bonin - 2020
Sébastien Bonin - 2020
Sébastien Bonin - 2020
Sébastien Bonin - 2019
Sébastien Bonin - 2020
Michael Dean - 2020
Douglas Gordon - 2020
Pablo Picasso - 1971
Richard Nonas - 2013
Richard Nonas - 1997
Richard Nonas - 2003
Richard Nonas - 2009
Richard Nonas - 2008
Dor Guez - 2011
Matthew Lutz-Kinoy - 2017
Harold Ancart - 2006
Fernando Marques Penteado - 2016
Sarah Ortmeyer - 2019
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