Sam Samore - 1999
Artist, storyteller and poet Sam Samore’s signature style of over-dimensioned, black-and-white, close-up photographs of people’s faces have an otherworldly aura of mysticism about them. He deploys blurred focus and large grain extending the abstractness of his workand to further advance his ideas of psychological, spatial and thematic dislocation. Samore touches upon one of the most difficult philosophical challenges in post-modern discourse where the ”self” is no longer a given, or clearly defined.
Characteristic of Samore’s whole oeuvre is the mesmerizing quality of his works, which compels the viewer to look longer, to want moreincomplete to give the viewer room for personal reflections.
Samore was born in 1963 and still lives in New York. Referred to as one of the pioneers of large-scale conceptual photography, Samore has exhibited regularly in Europe and the US for over 40 years. Prominent monographic exhibitions have been held at P.S.1 MOMA in New York, Casino Luxembourg, De Appel in Amsterdam and the Kunsthalle Zürich. Samore has participated in the 46th Venice Biennale, the Istanbul Biennale in 2007, and the Tirana Biennale 2005.