Enrique Ramírez - 2015


Enrique Ramírez’ work lies in the gap where fiction and reality mutually enrich each other. Through metaphorical means, the artist questions our world and its migratory flows. His various approaches verge on ethnography and sociology. Fueled by his findings of accounts of identity, cultural divisions, the conception of death, he produces films and installations within a poetic atmosphere. The artist speaks to us of historical events, navigates from mythology to daily events, and opts for the fictional tale, therefore transforming the assumption of a sociological study.

Enrique Ramírez is born in 1979 Chile, he lives and works between France and Chile. His work has been exhibited at International Pavillion at the 57th Venice Biennial in 2017, 7th edition of Daegu Photo Biennial (South Koera), Museo Amparo (Mexico), Centro Cultural MATTA (Buenos Aires), Centro Nacional de arte Contemporaneo (Santiago), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), Museo de la Memoria (Santiago), Kadist (San Franciso), Jeu de Paume (Paris), Museo de Bellas Artes, (Santiago), Centre Pompidou (Paris), Video Art in Latin America from Getty Research Institute (Los Angeles), Fondazione Ragghianti (Lucca), Center for Contemporary Art (Tel Aviv), Kunstraum Kreuzberg (Berlin), Musée des Beaux-Arts (Dunkeque). He was nominated for the Marcel-Duchamp prize, SAM prize and the Meurice Prize pour l’art contemporain. He won the Discover prize of Amis du Palais de Tokyo & Beyond Memory Prize for the Brises video.


Enrique Ramírez






50 x 46 cm


5 ex + 2AP


Courtesy of the artist and Michel Rein, Paris/ Brussels

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