Bruno Brunet - 2022
The work of Bruno Brunet (1976, Belgium) explores the materials of public space, society’s fabric, the codes of conduct taught in respect of them and how inevitably they are broken.
From the suburbs of Brussels, Brunet often took the earliest trains into the city’s heart as well as the last train out of it. On these trains he often saw young men, teenagers, “tough guys or maybe just bored, lonely guys” vandalizing the train by holding a lighter aflame and melting imprints into the plastic chair covers. Brunet recalls the fumes that would fill the empty cars, but more importantly, the patterns, the “constellations” these outsiders would create. Witnessing these interventions greatly influenced Brunet’s perception of art and who was “allowed” to create it.
From this formative experience, Brunet’s creative identity was developed. By reenacting this public intervention on the white canvas and hanging it on the walls of a respected art establishment Brunet’s positioning as a hybrid artist is clear. While at once part of the chosen few, he performs a rendition of the outcast and the very tool used to create these remembrances is exhibited as well. Recreated as a ghostly trophy and placed on a pedestal, one last lighter is memorialized.