Adriano Amaral - 2020

Untitled (Adriano Amaral)

Adriano Amaral’s work involves an examination of the nature of things in the world; the materiality and substance of what is around us as well as its value and transforming power over time. His practice starts from an intuitive and plural approach, and results in complex immersive installations that are always sensitive to the context in which they are inserted.​

​After completing his Masters at the Royal College of Art London in 2014, Adriano did a two-year artist residency at De Atelier in Amsterdam and then received the Mondrian Fonds Work Contribution Proven Talent in 2017.​

​Adriano Amaral was born in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, 1982. He lives and works between Poços de Caldas (Brazil) and Amsterdam.​

His recent institutional exhibitions include solo projects at Kunstinstituut Melly (Rotterdam, Netherlands), Vleeshal Zusterstraat (Middelburg, Netherlands) and Bielefelder Kunstverein (Bielefeld, Germany). Group exhibitions include projects at Mudam (Luxembourg), Sixty Eight Art Institute (Copenhagen), Moscow Museum of Modern Art and Beelden Aan Zee (The Hague, Netherlands).​


Adriano Amaral






34 x 152 x 2 cm (7 parts)




Courtesy of the artist and Jaqueline Martins Gallery

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