Lauren Sié - 2021


Lauren Sié questions the destiny of images and their evolution in different media, mainly in painting, which I put in parallel with 3D, video and installation. What does it mean to paint today with the digital tools at our disposal? Her practice of painting is part of an obvious relationship with photography. In his realization emerge unexpected events that give to see the temporality in the object of the painting and inscribes it in a contemporary artistic approach.

The double appears then indissociable with his work. The theme of the real and its doubles is at the heart of my research, whether it is in my personal experiences or in the field of art history, philosophy and psychoanalysis.

There is an underlying critique of the society that distorts reality to see only its pleasure and this strange oblique world in which we live facing the mirror of ourselves. For the artist, it echoes the order of the complement and the completeness of the human being. The illusion that there is always something to fill, source of frustration or blindness to reality. We constantly create doubles in order to face the uniqueness of things, of the world. The way in which we impregnate ourselves with reality to make it a reality denotes this impossibility of reaching it. There is something sensory, corporeal, immutable in the painting that makes Lauren Sié tend towards creation and the will to catch, to understand even if only for a moment, this oblique and impalpable world that is given to us to see and that tends to repeat itself endlessly.

Sié creates a tension between the screen image and the painted image and thus plays with the reproduction thanks to the singularity of painting. Depending on the process used, my pictorial images oscillate in a relationship of proximity and distance from a mixture and a gap between a meticulous, long, polished technique and a speed of execution, even of interruption. The border of the visible and the unspeakable is then raised in his representations. The figuration is inscribed in a precise and mastered relationship around that of the subject.


Lauren Sié






44 x 44 cm




Courtesy of the artist

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