Ted Pim - 2023

Full pink moon​

Northern Irish artist Ted Pim (b. 1985) creates paintings deeply skills painting inspired by  Dutch seventeenth century and Italian Renaissance old master paintings.

Mixing and fusing high art references with mass produced images, Pim’s works play with the construction of his own reality.

Often mirroring, doubling and strange deviations from the accepted ‘norms’ of his art historical reference slip into these narrative works.

The chiaroscuro in this piece was a perfect fit to how the darkness of 17th century northern European interiors echoes the concept in Tanazaki’s 1933 essay. 

Pim, who has exhibited with Almine Rech gallery, has also exhibited at Half Gallery, The Salon and a number of exhibitions curated by Bill Powers.



Ted Pim




Oil on canvas​


26.5 x 37cm​




Courtesy of the artist and Almine Rech​

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