Franck Scurti - 2012

Curiosités Naturelles Tab.CI

If we could find him a fatherhood, Franck Scurti would claim to follow conceptual art as well as Fluxus’s poetry, which taught him « to watch objects, to analyse them, to lose them in themselves, and then to reappraise them ». His work, inspired by everyday reality and international news, makes good use of the shapes produced by the consumption and urban civilization world.​

Disconcerting by its diversity as well as by a seemingly lack of stylistic unity (from scribbles to customized vehicle via knocked-up objects and video, Scurti explores almost all of art me­dia), his work is a self-placing into situation between reality and its representations, relating to aesthetical, historical or economical stakes, but also to things and events. So many world elements that determine individuals daily life, at the same time as they offer the possibility to imagine one’s life as an artwork (if only, for example, by crossing the aleatory inherited from Dada or Fluxus with productivity rules or the modernist grid) : a liberating perspective of improvisation that does not ignore the various models that reference it and give it a cultu­ral basis.​

Franck Scurti was born in 1965 in Lyon (France), he lives and works now in Paris (France).​

‘His work has been exhibited at Centre Pompidou (Paris),Fondation Zimei (Montesilvano), CCCOD (Tours), Musée d’art Contemporain (Moscow), Centre Pompidou Malaga, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia (Madrid), Palais de Tokyo (Paris), CA2M – Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (Madrid), SMAK – Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst (Gent), Power station of art (PSA) collection de la Fondation Cartier (Shanghai), MAMCO – Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain (Geneva), Queen Elizabeth Hall Riverside Terrace (London), Musée d’Art Contemporain de Strasbourg, Musée Picasso (Valauris), Magasin-CNAC (Grenoble), Vitrines Hermes (Tokyo), Centre National de la Photographie (Paris), MAC/VAL (Vitry-sur-Seine), BPS22 (Charleroi), IAC – Institut d’Art Contemporain (Villeurbanne), Kunsthaus Baselland (Muttenz), Bloomberg Space (London), MAN – Museo d’Arte Provincia di Nuoro, Museum of Contemporary Art (Bucharest).​

His work is a part of prestigious collections such as Centre Georges-Pompidou (Paris), FNAC – Fonds National d’Art Contemporain (Paris), Collection départementale d’art contemporain de la Seine-Saint-Denis, Collection Guerlain, Collection Agnes B, IAC – Institut d’Art Contemporain (Villeurbanne), MAC – Musée d’Art Contemporain (Marseilles), MAC/VAL (Vitry-sur-Seine), CNAP (Paris), BPS22 (Charleroi), FRAC (Alsace, Sélestat ; Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA, Bordeaux ; Corse, Corte ; Artothèque Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Limoges ; Occitanie Montpellier ; Normandie, Caen ; Pays-de-la-Loire, Carquefou ; Poitou-Charentes, Angoulême).


Franck Scurti






126 x 85,5 cm (encadré)​




Courtesy of the artist and Michel Rein, Paris/Brussels

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