Meet Nelly Rodi, the trend forecaster
Meet Nelly Rodi, the trend forecaster

Tue. February 20, 6:30PM

Meet Nelly Rodi, the trend forecaster

Join us for a conversation with the woman who revolutionised creative industries as she discusses her experience in predicting what fashions and lifestyles will look like ahead of time.

From the publication of trend books to consulting services, the agency NellyRodi has turned trends into a field that can be studied, decrypted and analysed.

Founder of one of the world’s leading style agencies, Nelly Rodi will share how she came into being the first “trendsetter” helping brands to understand the times and create their future.

Don’t miss on this opportunity to go behind the scenes of one of the most prominent trends agencies and discover the career of the woman who revolutionised creative industries.

The conference will be followed by a book signing session of Nelly Rodi’s autobiography “Quelques saisons d’avance" (Bouquins Editions, 2023).


Nelly Rodi

Nelly Rodi is the Founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the eponymous consulting agency. She began her professional career in 1963 as a design apprentice at Prisunic before joining Woolmark, the Institute for Cotton and Courrèges. In 1973 she was appointed Director of the Comité de Coordination des Industries de la Mode (CIM), the first trends agency founded in the 1950s. Ten years later she founded NellyRodi trends agency whose mission was forecasting fashion and lifestyle trends two to three years in advance. Nowadays, her company, now chaired by her son, Pierre-François Le Louët, continues to expand its influence. Nelly Rodi is Officier dans les ordres de la Légion d’Honneur, du Mérite et des Arts & Lettres.
Tue. February 20, 6:30PM
Tue. February 20, 8:30PM
TheMerode Talks
English (US)
Guest allowed?
Yes, 1 per member


Place Poelaert, 6
1000 Brussels
Parking Poelaert, Place Poelaert 1000 Brussels

Detailed programme

Tue. February 20, 6:30PM
Conference and Q&A
Tue. February 20, 7:00PM
Book signing
Tue. February 20, 8:00PM
Tue. February 20, 8:30PM

Past Event